. - 7:59 PM
was quite shocked at myself yesterday. i've never ever lost control before. and when i thought back, it was so stupid -inserts paperbag emoticon- nvm, i'll be back soon, and there'll be mummy to take care of me :)
the strike of the evil insomnia is back AGAIN. 2 more weeks, 2 more weeks. 2 wks from today, is CHRISTMAS DAY! 2wks and 2days from today, its flying off to HK day! but more importantly, 12days from today, i will be on the train from Sheff to Manchester in1hrs time. flying from Manc - Heathrow in 4hrs time, flying from Heathrow - Changi in abt 7hrs!
well before i start celebrating, i have to plough through ECGs which looks like the yuppi gummy worms? and Psychosocial influences on Coronary Heart Disease [its almost like sociology]
and ohh, apart from realising how phy can act be integrated in med[while studying abt flow through arteries], there was HISTORY in medicine today. the lecturer was talking about Rasputin! [Ra Ra Rasputin, lover of the russian queen] hahaha we were studying abt Haemophilia, how it was passed within the royal family of Queen Victoria through genetics.
oh wells, OFF-